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Fast Roller Doors
Door solutions

KCS supplies fast roller doors designed for sterile and/or Hygienic environments.

The fast roller door provides a compact and air tight door solution with a integrated motor  light weight curtain and break away automatic repair system. KCS cooperates with various supplier to find the optimal fast roller door solution for each project/client.

The Fast roller doors can be perfectly integrated into the KCS Cleanroom system and easily connected to the KCS interlock systems.

Various fast roller door models and options are available to fit any requirements and cleanroom configuration.


  • Compact with integrated motor
  • Space saving design
  • Automatic repair system
  • Multiple door options (access, Locks, UPS, etc. )
  • Possible to include window in curtain
  • Suitable to fit any wall system


Techical data can vary per modelFor more info contact


*Options can very per model

  • Window in curtain
  • Emergency power supply (UPS)
  • Read contact to monitor door movement
  • Combine with KCS interlock (see KCS interlock specification)
  • Stainless steel rail and covercap

For more details please contact us on